Customized Digital Marketing Strategies – Effortless Execution

Digital Marketing Services:

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Social Media... Everything!

So you can Relax!

Copywriting, Graphics, Publishing, Engagement, and Analytical Reports

Plan to invest 300-1,000 on Monthly Social Media Plans

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Content Creation Strategies and Training

Stop struggling to create content with a strategy designed to give you endless ideas and training to help you and your team be more content-conscious.

Plan to invest 800-2,500

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Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategies

Your NEW marketing strategy will lead to long-term clients.

From target market research and pinpointing where you need to be online, to unlocking the key to creating content and engaging with your target market, this strategy will set you up for success for years.

Plan to invest 1,500-2,500 on your new strategy

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You need to stand out.

Your visual branding (Logo, colors, elements, etc.) and the ideology of your brand are what will make you stand above the competition.

Plan to invest 1,000-3,000 on your brand identity.

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Website Design, Build, Launch, and Maintenance.

Your website should be memorable, unique, and create conversations that lead to opportunity.

Plan to invest 3,500-6,000 on your new website.


© 2023 Jaemy Mae Virtual Strategist – Website Built and Maintained by Jaemy Mae Virtual Strategist